
Sunday, June 11, 2023

Did you know there are Preppers mentioned in the Bible? Parable of the P...

Did you know there are Preppers mentioned in the Bible?

There are two that I can think of right now, but I'm sure there may be many more.

The first is Noah and the flood. You have probably heard this story by now, but if you haven't, you must read, Genesis Chapters 6-9, found in your Bible.

The Second is what I call thee "Parable of the Preppers".

It's actually thee "Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins", found in Matthew Chapter 25, verses 1 through 13, also found in your Bible.

It is my understanding of these two scriptures, is that both examples have to do with being obedient to the calling of the Lord by doing what He says, therefore making themselves prepared for His coming to get His Church.

I believe the Lord Jesus Christ is coming to get His Church any moment now.

My hope is that you too are watching and ready.

Those that are not ready will be left behind and will go through the tribulation, also known as the "Wrath of God".

If you are not ready now, do not put it off any longer.

Call on the Lord Jesus and you will be saved.

Your homework is to reed both of these two prepper examples and then express your thought in the comments.

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