
Thursday, February 2, 2023

Well Done, Thy Good and Faithful Servant ~ How To Win The War On Debt - Chapter 7

Well Done, Thy Good and Faithful Servant

Some day we will stand before God and we will be accountable for the way we managed our lives, talents, and money.  Our rewards in heaven will be based on how well we managed our affairs while here on earth. 

My prayer is for everyone that reads this book will be able to make the necessary changes in their life to be good stewards of their money, time, and abilities so that when they stand before God they will hear Him say, "Well done my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in a few things during your time on this earth. I will make you ruler over many things: enter into the joy of the Lord." (Read Matthew 25 and Matthew 13:23)

Checklist of strategies:

  1. My up-to-date Will is completed, signed, and notarized.
  2. The executor of my estate has been given a list of all of my important documents, including my life insurance policies, and where they are stored.
  3. My executor knows how and where to apply for any social security benefits available.
  4. My executor knows where to find my disability policy.
  5. My executor is aware of my VA benefits and will utilize any and all that apply to my family.
  6. My executor is aware of my Living Will and agrees to abide by my wishes.
  7. I have reviewed my W-4 statement with my employer and I no longer have too much tax money held out of my paycheck so I will get my money back at the end of the year. Uncle Sam was earning interest off of my money for a year. 
  8. When I received my tax refund Uncle Sam kept the interest. 
  9. I will now keep more of my income in savings in case I have to pay Uncle Sam some at the end of the year but this way I get to keep the interest plus possibly more of the income. Jesus said to render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and unto God what is God’s.
  10. I have reviewed my career and part-time income possibilities with my counselor.
  11. I am on a zero-based budget every month.
  12. I have allocated all of this month's income on paper before the month begins.
  13. I have had my life insurance reviewed with my counselor and I am satisfied that I have the best possible coverage for the least amount of money.
  14. I have reviewed my savings and investment program with my counselor.
  15. I have reviewed my health insurance program with my employer or my counselor.
  16. I have reviewed my homeowner's policy with my counselor.
  17. I have reviewed my renter's insurance with my counselor.
  18. I have reviewed my auto policy with my counselor.
  19. I have disability insurance.
  20. I am no longer borrowing money or charging anything.
  21. I have received a copy of my credit(s) report to verify the accuracy.
  22. I have filed a "Dispute Form" about incorrect information with a credit reporting agency.
  23. I have cut up all of my credit cards.
  24. I have a bank debit card that is accepted nationwide like a Visa.
  25. I use my debit card when I travel instead of a credit card. (Note: this may not be true in all countries.)
  26. I use the envelope system and pay cash for everything except those bills that have to be paid with a check.
  27. I do not use my checking account for anything except to pay bills that I mail each month.
  28. I am tithing 10% of my paycheck every payday.
  29. 28. I am saving towards my $1000 emergency fund.
  30. I have $1000 in my emergency fund saved up and I am now paying the amount I was saving each pay period on my smallest debt - the debt snowball method.
  31. I have had my reviewed expense reduction strategies with my counselor.
  32. I am out of debt and I share my surplus income with others.

I trust that this book has been of some help to you. Getting out of debt is not an easy task and will not happen overnight. Be diligent, be persistent, be patient and you will see the victory.

Winning the "War on Debt" requires soldiers of great courage and strength. This war cannot be won by the weak and faint-hearted. The soldier must be in good shape emotionally and spiritually (prayed up and praised up). Before the soldier can go into battle he/she must "put on the whole armor of God" (Ephesians 6:10-18). The soldier must be able to resist the flaming arrows that the enemy attacks with. The soldier must be willing to take a stand and then stand firm in spite of how the situation looks.

We cannot win this war on our own strength for we do not battle against flesh and blood but against unseen forces. "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and the power of His might." (Ephesians 6:10) It is by God's strength and power that we win the war, not ours. We are not alone in this war. We do not have to fight the battles alone. There are other soldiers facing the same battle that you are facing. God has given us the weapons to win this war and pull down the strongholds that hinder our life from success and happiness (2 Corinthians 10:3-5).

Some people do not believe there is a God or a Satan and that what happens to us in this life is fate. There are supernatural forces that influence the events of our lives even if we do not believe in God. God believes in you. Seek HIM first and HE will meet your needs.

I pray that you will share what you've learned here and help others as you have been helped.

The Bible says to study to show yourself approved. What that means is it’s our job, managers or stewards, of God’s property to study and learn everything we can. We are to learn everything we can and to do what he told us to do. 

Have a question?  Please feel free to send me a message using the "Contact Me" form on the right side of this Blog.

Thank you for reading this 7- Chapter eBook in blog format.  I pray that you have been blessed and encouraged.

Please also feel free to send me your Prayer Request by using the Prayer Request form on the right side of this blog.

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