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Consequences of bad doctrine
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- 0:03 Scripture says, "Watch your life and your
- 0:07 doctrine closely. Persevere in them
- 0:10 because, by doing so, you will save both
- 0:12 yourself and your hearers." This is a word
- 0:16 for pastors and Bible teachers. It's also
- 0:20 a word of caution for all believers in
- 0:22 Jesus. The exhortation is to be careful
- 0:27 how you live, and what you believe and
- 0:29 teach. Obviously, it's an ongoing struggle,
- 0:33 because it's necessary to "persevere". It
- 0:37 says the consequences of not getting
- 0:40 this right may affect your own salvation
- 0:42 and that of others. The context of this
- 0:46 verse is the warning, "... the Holy Spirit
- 0:49 explicitly says that in later times some
- 0:53 will fall away from the faith." The Greek
- 0:57 word for "fall away" in the original text
- 1:00 is from the root word "apostasia" (in
- 1:03 English we would say "apostasy"). In a New
- 1:07 Testament sense, it means, "to turn away
- 1:10 from Jesus", to give up on Him.
- 1:13 The imperative in salvation is to stay
- 1:17 in faith in Jesus. In faith in Jesus, we
- 1:21 are safe and secure. Without faith in
- 1:25 Jesus, there is no salvation. The New
- 1:29 Testament shows the danger of not going
- 1:31 on in Jesus. In the Book of 2
- 1:35 Thessalonians, we are told, "Let no one in
- 1:38 any way deceive you. The Day of the Lord
- 1:41 won't come, unless the apostasy comes
- 1:44 first." There will be a falling away from
- 1:48 faith in the last days. When Jesus
- 1:52 spoke of the "signs of the end of the age",
- 1:54 He said, "Many will stumble, and the love
- 1:58 of most will grow cold." But, He said, "The
- 2:02 one who endures to the end will be saved."
- 2:06 Endurance in faith in Jesus is vital. The
- 2:11 spiritual battle is over the truth of
- 2:14 the simple Gospel of Jesus' death, burial
- 2:16 and resurrection. Jesus asked, "Who do YOU
- 2:21 say I am?" Is your hope fixed on Him.
- 2:25 Why is doctrine important? Sound Bible
- 2:29 teaching gives you deep roots in the
- 2:32 faith. It may be challenging. It will
- 2:34 certainly be the opposite of the values
- 2:36 of a fallen world. But it will always
- 2:40 point you to Jesus. Bad doctrine will
- 2:44 tickle your ears. It will appeal to the
- 2:46 flesh. To the desire in the fallen nature
- 2:49 to magnify self. The inner voice that
- 2:53 says "it's all about me". Focus on Jesus,
- 2:57 and you take your eyes off yourself. Does
- 3:02 the truth of the need to persevere to
- 3:04 the end in faith in Jesus unsettle you?
- 3:08 It doesn't need to. We aren't called to a
- 3:12 loose life. We are in a spiritual battle.
- 3:15 We do have to deal with an enemy who
- 3:18 "prowls around like a roaring lion,
- 3:19 seeking whom he may devour". But we have a
- 3:24 Savior who is greater than all. We are
- 3:27 indwelt by the Holy Spirit. "The same
- 3:30 power that raised Jesus from the dead
- 3:32 lives in us." And we have proof in the
- 3:37 Word of God that He is faithful. In this
- 3:41 video series, we've talked a lot about
- 3:43 God's purposes for Israel. This should be
- 3:46 a comfort. God is faithful. He can be
- 3:50 trusted to do what He says. God's
- 3:53 promises to the Jews were corporate, for
- 3:56 "the house of Israel". God's promises
- 3:59 haven't failed. He has always had a
- 4:01 remnant among the Jews who trust Him.
- 4:04 Most didn't take Him seriously.
- 4:07 Most thought that it was sufficient to say
- 4:10 that they would obey Him, and then simply
- 4:12 put on an appearance of doing so. God
- 4:16 called Israel, chose Israel. When they
- 4:20 turned away, He called it spiritual
- 4:22 adultery. There were consequences for the
- 4:26 individuals who acted that way. But
- 4:29 God hasn't given up on Israel. God is
- 4:33 faithful. God is going to complete what
- 4:36 He began. There will be salvation for the
- 4:39 whole house of Israel. Trust in the Lord.
- 4:43 Keep your heart soft. Seek more of the
- 4:47 Holy Spirit. Keep your eyes on Jesus and
- 4:50 He will complete what He began in you.
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