
Tuesday, May 10, 2022

What is faith? - Part 1, Session 2 of 8 - “Know where you stand with God ...” - The Living Word

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Bible dictionary definitions of “Faith”

Expository Dictionary of Bible Words (Renn):

Greek: "Pistis"

Pistis is the most common term denoting "faith" in the New Testament, with the underlying sense of "belief", "trust", and "conviction" in the person of God and Christ as the only means of salvation, forgiveness of sin, and guarantee of eternal life. In most cases, the meanings "belief" and "faith" are interchangeable.

Mounce's Expository Dictionary of Old Testament and New Testament Words:

Belief, trust, confidence. It can also mean faithfulness or trustworthiness.

Vine's Dictionary of Bible Words:

Hebrew: "Emunah" Certainty and faithfulness

Greek: "Pistis" Firm persuasion. A conviction based upon hearing

The main element in "faith" in its relation to the invisible God (as distinct from faith in man), are brought out as:

  1. a firm conviction producing full acknowledgement of God's revelation and truth
  2. personal surrender to Him, and conduct inspired by such surrender

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