
Monday, May 2, 2022

Angels and Demons - A Close Encounter With A Demon Possessed Woman

I've been watching a 6-part series on YouTube titled "Angels and Demons" by Pastor Allen Nolan from Cornerstone Fellowship in Oklahoma:

Part 1 - I enjoy Allen's teaching videos as he is an expert in Hebrew and Greek and does an excellent job of teaching and explaining the Scriptures. Allen's method of teaching and explaining, is not found in almost all modern-day churches.

You are probably wondering why I'm sharing this with you. The reason is, I must have pissed off a demon or two by watching Allen's videos on "Angels and Demons".

Part 2 - "A Close Encounter With A Demon-Possessed Woman

"The story I'm about to tell you is not the first time this has happened with demon-possessed women. The first and second times, were two different women cursed me with the same fowl and evil language that you would think would not come out of a woman's mouth.

This morning while walking my dog at the without a leash, as I do every day. I get there early most every morning before others do so that my dog can chase squirrels off the leash. She is so fast I've seen her at least catch four.

We were walking side by side, and I was praying out loud, and we were walking side by side. I had no idea someone was behind me, but a woman and her aggressive dog came around me, loudly cursing me saying the "F" and "FU" words. I grabbed my dog to keep her evil dog from attacking us.

You should have seen her distorted face as she kept spewing her hatred driven curses toward me. Oh, I almost forgot. This is not the first time this evil woman has done this. The first time I just kept my mouth shut.

This time I could not keep my mouth shut. This lady's evil words were upsetting, but I did not get angry or shout curse words back to her. Instead, I spoke to demon or demons inside her, letting her know that I knew she was demon-possessed. She immediately shut up and turned to walked away.

I felt like I should have said something to the effect of casting that demon out of her, but instead, I felt like I should't say any more.

I know some people do not believe there are demons because they have never had any experiences with the demon oppressed and demon-possessed people before.

Have you ever had an encounter with a demon-oppressed or possessed person before?

What would you have done in my situation this morning? I would like to hear your story.

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